Sunday, October 21, 2012

Recently the manufacturer of electronics such as the iPhone, iPod, iPad, and various video game consoles, Foxconn has come under fire for employing underage employees. Nintendo's products are made by Foxconn, and when recently asked about whether they were aware of this or not, they replied,

"Nintendo is in communication with Foxconn and is investigating the matter. We take our responsibilities as a global company very seriously and are committed to an ethical policy on sourcing, manufacture and labor," Nintendo said. "If we were to find that any of our production partners did not meet our guidelines, we would require them to modify their practices according to Nintendo’s policy."

1 comment:

  1. I'd have to disagree. The only reason i still own a Wii is for one reason and for one reason only: Super Smash Bros. Brawl. and even that will be obsalete with the November release of Play Station Allstars Battle Royale
